Carburetor & Fuel Injector Cleaner

Dirt, gum, and varnish making your job harder?

FVP Carburetor and Fuel Injector Cleaner is specifically formulated to help prevent build-up of these and other performance-reducing deposits. This powerful product also:

  • Aids in removing water from the gas tank
  • Smoothes rough idle
  • Eases hard starts
  • Fights power loss
  • Reduces exhaust emissions
  • Protects against fuel system rust and corrosion
  • Reduces engine friction
  • Improves fuel economy

Product Info

  • Maximizes performance
  • Air intake cleaner
  • Quickly dissolves carburetor deposits such as gum, sludge, and varnish
  • Improves fuel system performance
  • Oxygen Sensor safe

Direction for Use:

Empty full bottle into gas tank before fill-up. Cleans fuel system and improves performance while your drive. Treats up to 20 gallons.

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  • The thing I like about FVP is they are not some anonymous outfit [+]

    – Shirley G., Denver, CO
  • Sometimes I get some pretty off the wall vehicles in my shop and [+]

    – Steven R., Scottsdale, AZ
  • I buy pretty much everything from Factory Motor Parts. They are [+]

    – Ken P., Mesa, Arizona
  • I have been using FVP radiators for quite some time and I have [+]

    – Bob N., Savage, MN
  • I have been a customer of FVP for over 16 years. I continuously [+]

    – Gary F., Huntington Beach, CA
  • At my shop, I choose to work with FMP because of the relationship [+]

    – Spencer D., Mesa, Arizona